Autumn is gradually setting in; this means winter is around the corner; for some people, these months mean a break from taking care of their lawn, leaving everything to the cool temperature and rainfall of autumn.
This isn't a great idea because autumn should be when you prepare your lawn for next summer.
This season your grass absorbs moisture, energy and nutrients for the winter, so you need to pay attention to it and help improve its chances of surviving the winter months that will follow. Here are five tips that will help.
Remove the leaves
When autumn leaves fall on your lawn, it may look colorful and cool to play in. However, leaves on your lawn are harmful to the grass. They trap moisture and block out the sun. This is bad for the grass underneath.
When these leaves fall, rack or blow them off, this should not be a one-time thing; continue doing it routinely.
Keep cutting but to the correct height.
You'll need to keep trimming your lawn even in autumn because grass still grows during these months (they only stop growing in winter). Maintain a height of 2½- to 3-inch; else, they may become vulnerable to fungi like snow mound.
Continue watering
Many people feel relaxed during autumn and stop watering their lawn, probably because they feel the weather is cooler, so they just leave it to nature. To be honest, this may be true because there will be more dew, rain and less evaporation. But there's no guarantee that they will be enough to keep the roots healthy and well hydrated to survive the winter.
So it won't be a bad idea to continue watering the lawn till the first months of winter.
Add fertilizer
Your lawn needs to be fertilized to survive the winter, just like how the grass-root needs water. The roots need to be solid enough to the shit of plant sugar that will protect the roots from freezing, and when the winter is over, it will still have life to bounce back. These needed sugars are produced by chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll is made available when there is a good amount of nitrogen, so you see, fertilizer should not be stopped during the autumn months.
Stay on schedule
The steps above need to be done at a specific timeline; they produce better results when carried out at the right time. Else you'll just be wasting effort. For instance, applying fertilizer too early will make the grass grow quickly and send tender, vulnerable blades to be hit by the cold.
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