Save Money with this Fall Home Maintenance Checklist It’s hard to believe Summer is almost behind us. With the official start of fall during the third week of September, it’s important to take time out to inspect, adjust, update, and repair your home and property accordingly to have a safer, healthier, and more enjoyable autumn. Simple upkeep today can prevent costly repairs later.

Before you tackle your seasonal home repairs, however, be sure to schedule yourself to do the work. Routine seasonal home maintenance is easy to forget but costly to ignore. Before you start make sure to check out tips to improve your DIY skills.
Our best recommendation is to set aside time on your calendar, especially so your projects like leaf and brush cleanup or bulk trash disposal lines up with your local trash collection calendar. For your convenience, we’ve included our local link to the Dallas-Fort Worth Brush and Bulk Pickup Calendar here. More than just curb side trash, try calling Advantage Waste for a free quote on a dumpster rental. Still need more information related to your garbage pickup in DFW? They offer a helpful resource page here.
And now our general fall maintenance tips:
Inspect and repair your roof. Take advantage of cool-enough temperatures in the fall to make needed roof repairs, or replace your shingles.
Clean and repair your gutters. Damaged and clogged gutters can cause serious water damage to your foundation and other issues, so taking time to properly clean them is very important.
Mulch your leaves, or rake and bag them if you must. Studies report the benefits of cutting and mulching your leaves into your lawn, so for those able to do so, that is a savings of landfill space and a benefit to your lawn and landscaping. But for those who rake and bag leaves, this is your time.
Winterize Hoses, Faucets, Sprinklers, Pools, and Ponds. Anything with water requires seasonal inspection or maintenance to avoid costly water-related damage later. Remember to check for leaks and signs of wear before closing them down for the season.
Weatherize to Keep Warmth In, Cold Air Out. Use this handy guide from energy.gov to guide you through the steps for eliminating drafts and energy loss.
Seal Your Deck, Patio, Porch, and Driveway. You can significantly increase the beauty and life of your outdoor living space and driveway by regularly protecting them from the elements with a proper seal.
Inspect and Maintain All Sources of Heat. Your furnace, space heaters, ventless fireplaces, and chimneys all require a thorough safety check, a change of filters if applicable, and seasonal maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer.
Inspect what Detects. While some homeowners replace batteries in their detectors twice a year with the changing of the clocks, others test and maintain these devices at the change of each season. What to include? Smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and now with the increasing smart home technology, the smart home sensors and devices that run on battery power should also be included in your schedule.
Advantage Waste Disposal

How We Can Help
Roll off dumpsters can easily be rented from Advantage Waste Disposal in Dallas in several lengths to fit the size of your project. A Live Chat is available through the website to receive a quote or give us a call. Scheduling online is easy!
972-222-2444 or visit us at: www.advantagewastedisposal.net