The most expensive part of a wedding is the venue. Here in the south, peak wedding season is April through June. Brides want to take advantage of outdoor venues before the sweltering heat kicks in. That time frame brings us right alongside graduation parties.

Hosting an event at an outdoor venue is often considered a little more budget-friendly. Of course, you take a gamble on the weather, and there are a few items that might not be available. The subject is a little awkward to discuss. But we just made it through a toilet paper crisis! We can talk about porta potties. Nothing will ruin your event like improper planning for the bare necessities. What will you do when the guests need to use the facilities and your venue is ill-prepared? Lack of planning for human needs is not what your guests want to remember at your wedding or significant outdoor event.
Currently, we live in a modest home with a large outdoor area. I have often thought our property would be beautiful for hosting family and friends to celebrate an occasion. Maybe you’ve thought the same or have a favorite park accommodating a gathering.

But there is a flaw to my plan of hosting a significant event at the house. I have one guest bathroom. You see the dilemma. I could scratch the whole idea. But why be held back by something so basic? There is a solution to this setback. Porta potties bring a pretty vivid image to my mind. It’s not always a pretty picture. However, a long row of overused bathrooms standing out at the carnival for too long is not what we are looking at here. We’re talking about clean facilities set up just for your guests and removed after the event. Pinterest is full of ideas on decorating an area for your porta potties to bring them up to the theme. Providing for a crowd is possible. Contact Advantage Waste Disposal for a quote and delivery details. Let the party planning begin!

How We Can Help
Roll off dumpsters can easily be rented from Advantage Waste Disposal in Dallas in several lengths to fit the size of your project. A Live Chat is available through the website to receive a quote or give us a call. Scheduling online is easy!
972-222-2444 or visit us at: www.advantagewastedisposal.net