Plan on Spring cleaning during the quarantine?
Please remember, not everything belongs in your trash. See below all items prohibited.

Prohibited items include, but not limited to: monitors, tv's, thinners, lacquers, paints, solvents, oils, contaminated absorbents, asbestos, batteries, infectious waste, contaminated soils, fuels, inks, car tires, flammable allowed in the dumpster.
WASTE MATERIALS: Customer warrants that the waste materials delivered to contractor here under will not contain hazardous, toxic or radioactive wastes or substances defined by applicable federal, state, local or provincial laws or regulations nor any special waste as defined by contractor. Charges apply to handle and dispose of prohibited items.

How We Can Help
Roll off dumpsters can easily be rented from Advantage Waste Disposal in Dallas in several lengths to fit the size of your project. A Live Chat is available through the website to receive a quote or give us a call. Scheduling online is easy!
972-222-2444 or visit us at: www.advantagewastedisposal.net