Your air conditioner is one of the most vital appliances you can have in your home. It helps to create a relaxed and cool atmosphere which is particularly essential especially when humidity is high. Lack of maintenance of this appliance can result in a steady decline of performance over time while your energy use gets unnecessarily high as a poorly maintained air conditioner consumes more energy than a properly functioning one.
Clean or change the air filters: Cleaning and unclogging the air duct of your air conditioner can help maintain the efficiency of this appliance. The purpose of the air filter component of your AC is to trap dirt and dust that may be carried in the air. When your air filter is clogged or damaged, dirt may find its way to the evaporator coil of your air conditioner and damage its ability to absorb heat, hence increasing energy consumption which would typically mean increased energy bills. The filter system of your air conditioner demands regular attention especially if you use it religiously or if it is frequently subjected to dust. You can choose to either clean or change your air filter, depending on the filter system of your air conditioner, as some can be reused while others must be completely changed.
Clean the condensate drain: The condensate drain compartment of your air conditioning system allows condensation produced during operation to drain out. As you use your air conditioner regularly, this channel may get clogged and can hinder your unit from decreasing humidity.
Clean the coils: The condenser coil and evaporator coil of your air conditioner are usually protected from dust and dirt by the air filter. However, your coil is bound to accumulate dirt with the frequent running of your unit, so it is important to clean the coils of your appliance as often as you can.
Inspect the fins: The evaporator and condenser of every AC possess fins, and over time these fins can get bent and this can restrict airflow. Regular inspection can help you detect when your system's aluminum fins are already deformed and need to be straightened or changed, depending on the extent of the damage.
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