7 Steps to a Lush Green Texas Lawn
As cooler weather descends upon us here in Texas, now is the time to winterize your lawn before the holidays take over your time and to-do list.
Here’s how to work smarter, not harder, to create a lush, green lawn that adds curb appeal by looking vibrant and inviting year-round.
Test your soil. Texas A&M offers soil testing services to help you determine what nutrients your lawn needs this season.
Fertilize. With your soil test results in hand, choose a lawn fertilizer that has the right combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for your lawn.
Don’t prune too soon. For ornamental grasses, wait until February or March to prune brown growth only. Leave it in place over the coldest months.
Raise your mower deck. Like pruning, raise your cutting height when mowing your lawn to avoid cutting back brown grass over the winter, as it protects the root system in the soil.
Aerate your lawn. This creates holes that allow water, air, and nutrients to reach the roots.
Overseed your lawn. This technique of adding seed to an existing lawn especially helps worn and bare spots to sprout new growth. Remember to keep it watered while it takes hold.
Water your lawn. Caution: Remember to pay attention to frost warnings and take care to drain your hoses and irrigation systems from December to February.
For all the advice and information you need to keep your lawn in top condition, along with some super useful tips to help make things as easy as possible check out Trim That Weed.
Also remember to bring in your potted plants (if you haven’t done so already). Frost warnings will be coming soon!
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