9 Items to Reconsider Now During Your Spring Clean Up
Does your home have that one drawer in the kitchen that gathers all kinds of junk? You’re not alone. When you’re ready to tackle kitchen clutter in time for spring cleaning season, emptying out the draw of clutter is just the beginning. In addition to using a drawer organizer and grouping like items to create some semblance of order, there are other things you can do to tame the chaos and restore order in the busiest room in your home.
First, ask yourself these three straightforward questions:
Do I still use this? Chances are, if you are not still regularly using all the time, you can put it into a different storage area to be brought out on a seasonal or annual basis, depending on its use (such as a deep fryer you use for donuts on special occasions only).
Do I already have one of these? If you are considering an extra item that you already have elsewhere, it may be as simple as consolidating them into one place (such as more than one pair of scissors).
Would I buy this today? If you wouldn’t spend the money on an item today, you may decide you don’t want to invest any space or time in it now. After all, when was the last time you used that food dehydrator you received from your Aunt Susan 7 years ago?
Next, tackle these 9 items with a clear plan to eliminate clutter and simplify your space:
Cookbooks you don’t use anymore that are taking up a lot of space that could be dedicated to other items (or a clear counter space).
Large utensils like extra wooden spoons that overfill your utensil drawer and make it harder to get what you need with ease while preparing meals.
Baking ware that takes up a lot of space and is used infrequently or not at all.
Mixing bowls, especially if you have more than one set and don’t use them all at the same time.
Food storage containers, especially ones that are notoriously missing their lids... Where do Tupperware lids go, anyway?
Glasses and coffee mugs that collect and go unused for months or years at a time. (They’re a safe gift to give a coworker, so you may have more than a couple if you work in an office setting.)
Small kitchen appliances, especially ones that don’t work well anymore or are barely used. Some devices can prove to be more trouble than they’re worth (perhaps like a chopper that takes more time to disassemble and wash than it does to chop your vegetables by hand).
Vitamins and medicine. Do be careful about expired prescription medication, especially those addictive in nature, as they can unintendedly be made available to curious teens or adult visitors struggling with addiction issues unknown to you. Be sure to read all labels to check for expiration dates and storage suggestions, such as a “cool dry place,” which is certainly not on top of the refrigerator.
Oven mitts, hot pads, tea towels, and tablecloths, especially holiday themed items that may not need to occupy the front of the drawer year-round. These items could be stored with holiday décor items instead.
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